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Last Week in Pony - July 1, 2018

Last week’s Pony news, reported this week.

Last Week In Pony is a weekly blog post to catch you up on the latest news for the Pony programming language. To learn more about Pony check out our website, our Twitter account @ponylang, or our Zulip community.

Got something you think should be featured? There’s a GitHub issue for that! Add a comment to the open “Last Week in Pony” issue.

Items of note

  • Pony 0.24.0 has been released!. Pony 0.24.0 includes high-priority bug fixes. Updating as soon as possible is recommended. The release also contains breaking changes, please refer to the release notes for more details.

  • Audio from the June 20, 2018, Pony Development Sync is now available. Check it out!

  • Audio from the June 27, 2018, Pony Development Sync is now available. 2 development syncs in this super-sized LWIP!

  • Andrew Turley is doing a Pony tutorial at ICFP this year. Come to St. Louis and learn some Pony. It’s a wonderful city year round but it is especially lovely in September.

  • Can’t stop won’t stop! Andrew Turley is also doing a Pony Tutorial in the New York City area on July 11th.

News and Blog Posts

  • Brian Otto wrote to the mailing list with some exciting news. Hi Everyone,

I have been working on a Win32 wrapper over the last couple weeks, and it’s far enough along, that I thought I would mention it here. There is a lot of boilerplate you need to get working, just to display a window in the Win32 API, and so this code does it all for you. I’ve got it to a point where you can create basic windows and controls now, and it has an example on how you can do message and event handling (compile with ponyc -d to see the messages). There is an example of drawing to the window using Cairo too (the required DLL is in the winCairo directory), and I got wide character support working as well. So it should be enough for anyone interested in playing around with the API. I’ll be wrapping more of it as time goes on. (ISC License)

Cheers! Brian


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